FLOK in Ecuador is Not What Was Promised- Cook Report

28thMay. × ’14

Gordon Cook, from the famous Cook Report,  originally invited to participate in the policy design for the #BuenConocer Project, impulsed by the FLOK Society in Ecuador, unveils in this Report to be published on May 31st **,  what lies behind all the Press, and the demagogic and seductive discourses:

Here you can read the Executive Summary:  CookReport FLOK exec sum english [pdf]

Flok Yourself!

*UPDATE:  [Spanish] A raiz de las repercusiones del Sumario Ejecutivo -que no despertaron en los aludidos (excepto el Sr. Bauwens) reacciones de autocrítica, sino que decidieron focalizarse en el unico punto de 2 renglones que podían criticar- he rectificado lo dicho al Sr. Gordon Cook. Queda aquí como adelanto -previo a que aparezca en el Reporte final- lo enviado para corregir mi error, de modo que pueda dejar se usarse ese puntual ítem, como excusa para desentenderse del resto del Reporte. He pedido y reitero las disculpas por el error en la información antes mencionada:

[EN] «The team from its start has permanently searched to appear on international media as its first objective, before being known by the people, and to know the people for which – supposedly – the «developments for change» were directed. I rectify respect the payment of air tickets with money destined to FLOK, these tickets have been payed, as I was corrected, by one of many sponsors, And even so I repeat, air tickets were not payed with FLOK money, resources have been dispensed without a transparency report which would be in order that FLOK would present voluntarily, for the benefit of the people and the Ecuadoran Government. I have been quickly been discredited «in block» even after having rectified this information publicly, for all I have testimonied in this Summary. I correct my inexactness because I have no intention to say one thing for another. I do not retract nevertheless in upholding that great part of that money, according to how I see a work that really searches for change in the productive matrix of a people, could have been used to organize fraternal meetings, consultation, surveying of needs and expectations of indigenous, mestizos and investigators (I consider intellectually occidentally-colonized to the Ecuadorans with formal instruction at the conventional educational system, and at the same time, disconnected from their cultural heritage and roots), and not workshops to instruct those that are supposed to be ignorant.»

**UPDATE  2:   COMPLETE Cook Report. FLOK Society, Ecuador

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